The First Team Outing


When you first meet the love of your life, you know immediately that they will change your life completely, in the best way possible. Your gut is telling you to continue being around them. The more you're with them, each moment is better than the last, and you grow happier as time passes. They are the one, and it was obvious from the beginning.

That same gut feeling came rushing in when we all met for the first time as a team. It was obvious from the get-go that this would be a fantastic group of girls to work with throughout the summer.  The first meeting was this past Saturday morning. Upon arrival, each of the girls received a backpack to take with on future outings and adventures. Afterwards, the team spent the beautiful Manhattan afternoon at the picture-perfect Bryant Park taking pictures and overall bonding with each other. 

Making conversation was so simple; it kept going without hesitation and nothing felt forced. What made the afternoon even better was how beautiful the weather was. There was just an overall positive atmosphere within the group. Meeting this team brought excitement for future memories to be made; almost as much as excitement as meeting your soulmate for the first time.

Ashley S